Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Senior Development Policy Advisor Job in Nairobi Kenya

Government of Kenya

Office of the Prime Minister

Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030

Senior Development Policy Advisor (SDPA)

Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030


The Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 with the Assistance of UNDP under it’s Support to Kenya Vision 2030 Project wishes to recruit an advisor to be located in the Ministry’s headquarters.

Terms of Reference

Position Information:

Title of Position: Senior Development Policy Advisor (SDPA)

Type of Contract:
 Service Contract

Duration of the assignment:
 18 months

Duty station: Nairobi

Supervisors: MoSPND&Vision 2030 – Permanent Secretary and UNDP

Anticipated presence at Office: Full Time

I. Background

Kenya has made tremendous progress since 2003 with the implementation of the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation. The strategy motivated the country to prepare a longer term plan, the Kenya Vision 2030.

The Vision is implemented in phases of 5-years, the first of which is covered by the First Medium Term Plan (MTP) of 2008-2012.

The Vision envisages transforming Kenya into a middle-income economy by 2030.

The Government is in the process of preparing the Second MTP covering the period 2013-2017.

This period is critical especially with the implementation of the new constitution promulgated in August 2010, which entrenches two tier government structures.

To assist the Government develop high level policy and sound develop strategy, the Ministry is putting in place the requisite technical capacity for the necessary policy formulation, analysis, coordination, implementation and monitoring.

In order to have effective leadership in this process, the Government has sought assistance from UNDP for a technical advisory service in the form of a Senior Development Policy Advisor who will be critical in steering the development of medium term strategies and capacities, as well as providing the necessary linkages with the key development partners working with the Government. The period for this assignment will be 18 months.

II. Scope of work

The Senior Development Policy Advisor, who will be based in the MOSPND&V2030 will be tasked primarily with the provision of high-level technical, strategy development and policy support and advice to the Government and other related institutions in the policy formulation, analysis, coordination, implementation and monitoring of the national development agenda including capacity building of staff at both national and county level.

In particular, the Advisor will:

i. Provide technical advice and policy development support to the Government and the three development Pillars in the implementation of Kenya Vision 2030 goals and objectives. Such assistance would center on their timely preparation, monitoring and dissemination of all relevant agreed-upon work plans and benchmarks especially the Second Medium Term Plan of the Vision 2030.

ii. Provide technical support in meeting any planning and development challenges arising in the implementation of the new constitution.

iii. Provide substantive leadership and technical direction in planning linkages between institutions steering the development agenda: namely Office of the President, Office of the Prime Minister, National Economic and Social Council, the Ministry and its Semi-Autonomous Agencies (KIPPRA, NEPAD, KNBS, and NCPD among others).

iv. Lead in the strengthening of the Ministry’s cooperation with Kenya’s international development partners, particularly the UN agencies to ensure more coherent and efficient use of donor funding, ensuring funding from partners is relevant (Vision 2030 aligned), timely in release, and effective in achieving the Government’s development objectives.

v. The Advisor will provide policy and technical advisory support to the Ministry and other line ministries as appropriate in the formulation and preparation of the Second Medium Term Plan of the Kenya Vision 2030 and its implementation and monitoring.

vi. The Advisor will support the ministry in providing building planning capacities of County level and other government institutions, including independent commissions.

vii. The Advisor will help to build the capacity of the planning ministry staff and key ministries through training workshops, seminars and coaching to facilitate the successful launch of the National Planning Authority Framework.

viii. The Advisor will prepare periodic economic outlook scenarios and ad hoc briefs to the Minister and the Permanent Secretary and key Government institutions on policy, planning, implementation and related development matters based on evidence-based assessments and research.

ix. The Advisor, working closely with the ministries, lead government institutions and development partners will support in developing their line of strategic thinking, including helping them build their line strategic capacities in planning matters and providing the requisite leadership in the implementation of agreed plans and flagship programmes/projects.

x. Working closely with relevant Ministries and Agencies, the Advisor will identity and facilitate on a continuing basis, concrete and practical opportunities for cross- fertilization/exchange of ideas with other countries, especially those in South-South Cooperation. He/She will identify time-tested best practices that may benefit Kenya.

III. Reporting and Tracking Progress

The Senior Policy Development Advisor shall present a summary of the initial assessment of the activities to be carried out, including a detailed activity schedule with a time bound implementation plan for the duration of the engagement.

In addition, the Advisor shall hold quarterly meetings to present highlights of his/her accomplishments in line with the agreed actions as per the work and reporting standards set by MOSPND&V2030.

The quarterly meetings will be chaired by the Permanent Secretary which will be attended by a representative from UNDP. The reports will be shared with UNDP to facilitate any changes that might be required in the course of the assignment. It is the responsibility of the Advisor to ensure the quarterly meetings are held.

IV. Deliverables

The SPDA is expected to deliver the following:

  • Quarterly reports prepared and presented to the Permanent Secretary and UNDP
  • Periodic economic outlook scenarios and ad hoc briefs to the Minister and Permanent Secretary on policy, planning and development related matters, based on evidence-based assessments;
  • Formulated and launched the Second Medium Term Plan of the Vision 20303;
  • Spearhead the finalization and launch of the National Planning Commission;
  • Strengthened strategic policy and planning actions at Ministries, key government institutions and county Governments;
  • Established good working relationships with government institutions by having a communication strategy in place;
  • Established key linkages with research institutions and development partners to build research skills of the ministry staff;
  • Set and achieve capacity building goals and indicators, agreed with the staff and the Permanent Secretary and UNDP
V: Qualifications
  • PhD with an additional 15 years of relevant work experience in social sciences, or public policy or public administration
  • A minimum of 15 years of work experience in governance and planning policy environment
  • Substantive and demonstrated ability to coach individuals and groups
  • Leadership skills
  • Be an analytic thinker, strategic, able to write policy papers and reports
  • Good interpersonal skills with people from different backgrounds and institutions
  • Ability to create and maintain working relationships with development partners
  • Skills to monitor and evaluate the work of governance and planning ministries
  • Ability to set priorities and work independently
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Political and diplomatic skills
  • Ability to interpret trends in governance and developmental reform issues
  • Experience working in a developing country context, ideally in Africa and. Cultural sensitivity;
  • Fluency in English
Terms and Conditions

The successful applicant for this job will serve for 18 months subject to satisfactory performance.


The Salary will be accordance with UNDP scales.

Applicants to submit the following documents
  • Application letter with copies of certificates, testimonials, and other supporting documents.
  • Current Curriculum Vitae.
  • Names of three referees and their contacts.
  • Day time telephone number.
All Applications should reach the undersigned on or before 27th January, 2012.

To be addressed to:
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030
P.O Box 30005 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Or Hand delivered to Treasury Building, 3rd Floor, Room 303

Safaricom  Jobs

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