Thursday, 20 October 2011

17 things to know before starting to look for a job.

Job hunting is a daily exercise. Whether you get a good job, you will be hunting another bigger job after a while. That is why I get shocked when people email us to unsubscribe from getting the latest jobs on their emails. Like I said above, job hunting does not stop because you got a job, it makes it easier. Now you have resources and access to information (internet) and even interview experience.

If you are coming straight from college or university starting to look for a job is tricky but it can be very easy if you know what you are doing. If you have a job, I know by now you know various things you need to adhere to before starting to start looking for a job. But if you have forgotten, then here is a refresher.

1.   Tailor your resume to the position for which you are applying – include specific elements of the job description in your resume (make it easy for them to see that you are a good fit).
2.   Do not rely on a cover letter to explain why you are a fit. You may want to use it to explain reasons for relocation, but your skills and experience need to be evident within your customized resume. If anything, the cover letter may be used to weed you out.
3.   Do not apply for more than one position within one company: It creates the perception that you are not sure which position is best for you. We recommend applying to one but including a variety of skill sets on your resume so that you indicate you are qualified for more than one position.
4.   Keep everything positive in your resume and in your communication with the company. Don’t dwell on bad experiences, frustrations, or ineffective bosses. Talk about what you learned, why you are better for it and how you will leverage those experiences to make your new company successful.
5.   Honesty rules: Hiring managers and HR professionals will do informal reference checks with people they know at other firms and you do not want them to be surprised.
6.   Answer salary questions definitively and transparently: Do not try to circumvent these questions. Tell them specifically what you were making and what you are looking to make.
7.   Don’t be shy: let your personality come through in your answers. During an interview, you might be thrown some questions that are asked to assess how your brain works or to find out more about your personality.
8.   When accepting an offer, be enthusiastic: They want to hear the smile and excitement in your voice. This will lay the foundation of a very positive transition into your new company.
9.   Don’t engage in a counteroffer negotiations: You risk alienating yourself from the new hiring manager and your old company. Consider the offer and decide.
10.                Being overqualified is a serious concern for companies, but the solution is not to remove things from your resume as it may create the perception of dishonesty.
11.                End interviews with assertiveness and pro-activity: It is very appropriate to end interviews by asking “When would it be appropriate for me to follow-up?
12.                Be prepared for behavioral interview questions: Come to the interview prepared with several anecdotes about challenges you have faced before and how you dealt with them. Demonstrate a positive and measurable result whenever possible.
13.                Do your best to incorporate the firm’s core values into your interview responses.
14.                Keep up your knowledge: Companies understand that people may have been out of work for extended periods of time in this economy. However, you must demonstrate your ability to stay current (seminars, certifications, etc.) and to get up to speed quickly.
15.                LinkedIn is a recognized tool, but they disregard most of what they see, including recommendations. Be prepared to provide a supplemental reference sheet during interviews.
16.                Identify and ease their pain. Ask hiring managers about “gaps in their department” to find out where their pain is and suggest how you can help ease that pain. They need to be sure they are hiring someone who can help with their issues. Ask good questions. Like, “What does success look like 6 months into this position?” and “What obstacles might I run into?”
17.                Be careful with Facebook: they review these pages and screen people out as a result!
If you look at all the above, they seem like warnings but in real sense they are just ways in which you can help yourself find the exercise of job hunting very easy. You do not want to experience a hard time finding a job. Some of you might already be doing this but if you are not, then have these like 17 commandments.

Safaricom Jobs

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